Overall Chronology

Overall Chronology

Thematic Chronology
October 1973 War
1973 - 1974
20 events

Covers the daily chronicles of the fourth Arab-Israeli war, starting with Egypt’s and Syria’s surprise attack against Israel, followed by major ground battles, Israel’s counter-attacks supported by the United States, cease-fire, negotiations that led to the disengagement agreements, and the end of the Arab oil embargo.

Egyptian Army Leaders in 6th Oct 1973 War

Egyptian army leaders: Anwar al-Sadat (center), Ahmad Ismail Ali (to the left of Sadat),  Saad el-Shazly (2d to the left of Sadat),  Mohamed Fouad Nassar (3d to the left of Sadat), Mohamed Abdel Ghani El-Gamasy (to the right of Sadat), Husni Mubarak (2d to the right of Sadat), Fouad Mohamed Abou Zikry (3d to the right of Sadat), and  Mohamed Aly Fahmy (far right). Also pictured are: Nawal Said , Mohamed Said al-Mahy , Kamal Hassan Ali ,  and Gamal Mahmoud Ali .

6 October 1973
Overall Chronology
E.g., 2025/02/14
E.g., 2025/02/14