
al-Nabi Rubin

al-Nabi Rubin — النبي رُوبِين
Average Elevation
550 m
Distance from Acre
28 km
Year Arab Total
1944/45 * 1000 1000
Land Ownership (1944/45) in dunums
Year Arab Public Total
1944/45 * 12548 6015 18563
Land Use (1944/45) in dunums
Use Arab Public Total
Non-Cultivable & Built-up (Total) *
Use Arab Public Total
Built-up * 112 112
Non-Cultivable ** 8617 6011 14628
8729 6011 14740 (79%)
Cultivable (Total) **
Use Arab Public Total
Plantation and Irrigable * 619 619
Cereal ** 3200 4 3204
3819 4 3823 (21%)

The village stood on a dome–shaped hill about 30 or 40 m higher than the village of Tarbikha, of which it was a satellite; it was about 1 km southeast of Tarbikha. It had a shrine for the prophet (nabi) Rubin . Its population was predominantly Muslim. Tarbikha provided the village with the necessary services. Most of al-Nabi Rubin's land was used for pasture, but grain, olives, and tobacco were grown. In 1944/45 a total of 3,200 dunums of the lands of the three villages (al-Nabi Rubin, Tarbikha, and nearby Suruh) was allotted to cereals; 619 dunums were irrigated or used for orchards.

Al-Nabi Rubin was one of the villages lying near the Lebanese border that was emptied of its inhabitants in the second week of November 1948. After military operations had ceased, the Israeli army ordered the villagers to cross the border into Lebanon, according to Israeli historian Benny Morris. On 16 November, the commanding officer of the Northern Front, Moshe Carmel, reported to Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion that the army "Had been forced for military reasons ... to expel the villages on the border." He explicitly mentioned al-Nabi Rubin.

The settlement of Shomera  was established to the west of the village site in 1949. Even Menachem, established in 1960, is located very close to the village site, on a hill to its west. Kefar Rosenwald, originally named Zar'it and still widely known by that name, was established in 1967 on village land. Shetula , founded in 1969, is also located on village lands.

The shrine of al-Nabi Rubin is all that remains of the village. Cactuses, fig trees, and tall grasses grow on the site, which has been made into a grazing area.